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Functional Skill in Maths and English

We will help develop your knowledge and understanding of English and Maths to prepare you better to start an exciting new career, get a promotion at work or even start your own business.


Looking to improve your skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening?  We are here to help you develop your English skills, whether it’s to help find a job or to continue on your path for further learning.  We offer courses in Functional Skills from Entry 1,2,3 to Level 1& 2.  The course you will be offered depending on your previous qualifications and an initial assessment.


If you would like to brush up on your maths skills, we have a wide range of courses on offer.  These will help you develop skills and confidence and get a qualification which could help you prepare for further study or increase your employment opportunities.  We offer courses in Functional Skills from Entry 1,2,3 to Level 1& 2. The course you will be offered will depend on your previous qualifications and an initial assessment.

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